I recently came across the CASE WHEN statement work Similar to IF statement into SQL SELECT , Maybe you’ll find it useful.
Create table called Student using SQL Query:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student]( [StudentID] [int] NULL, [Marks] [float] NULL )
Insert some data into student:
INSERT INTO [Student] ([StudentID],[Marks]) VALUES (1,30) INSERT INTO [Student] ([StudentID],[Marks]) VALUES (1,65) INSERT INTO [Student] ([StudentID],[Marks]) VALUES (1,90) INSERT INTO [Student] ([StudentID],[Marks]) VALUES (1,55) INSERT INTO [Student] ([StudentID],[Marks]) VALUES (1,70)
We can use CASE WHEN statement instead of IF. Here is Query:
SELECT [StudentID] ,[Marks] ,case When [Marks] <65 and [Marks] >49 then 'Pass' When [Marks] <75 and [Marks] >64 then 'Credit' When [Marks] <85 and [Marks] >74 then 'Distinction' When [Marks] <101 and [Marks] >84 then 'High Distinction' else 'Fail' end As Result FROM [Student]