1 – Connect to your database using SQL Server Management Studio, Enterprise Manager, or your web-based query tool.
2 – In a new query window, issue the follow SQL statement:
UPDATE [Customer] SET [Password] = 'your new password here', [SaltKey] = -1, [LockedUntil] = DateAdd(mi, -1, GetDate()), [BadLoginCount] = 0, [PwdChangeRequired] = 0, [PwdChanged] = GetDate() WHERE [Email] = 'your admin email address here'
3 – Execute the query. It should return “(1 row(s) affected)
4 – In order for the password to be usable, it must be re-encrypted. Do this by forcing the site to restart, either through IIS or by “touching” the web.config file.
I am looking for this kind of service..i’ll try this !!